In partnership with SCORE and the Miramar-Pembroke Pines Regional Chamber of Commerce, this program provides free one-on-one training and technical assistance for small business management. SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals through education and mentorship. Topics include marketing, loans and business plans. SCORE is associated with the Small Business Administration (SBA) which has additional resources. Visit these websites for more information: or

This program provides very small businesses (5 or fewer employees) with financial support for their economic development efforts and activities. The business must be in existence for at least 1 year and have a commercial location. Funds are provided on a reimbursement basis quarterly, up to a maximum of $10,000 for a year.

This program assists commercial property owners in historic Miramar with building façade renovations. City funds are combined with owner funds to complete property improvements. The level of city support varies but is typically in the range of 40% - 60% of total project cost.

This involves assigning staff to guide construction plans through the review and approval process in order to reduce the total time to issue a permit. This would apply to an interior buildout or new construction project. This requires staff and City Manager approval.

The City of Miramar works closely with our economic development partners at the County and State levels and can serve as the primary point of contact with them. For additional details, we suggest your company review the information found on the Greater Ft. Lauderdale Alliance website: under “Relocation & Expansion.” Another option, which describes business attraction and recruitment tools and resources, is the Broward County website:

Confirming Zoning districts and business uses
Reviewing and answering questions relating to signs
Providing city maps on Zoning, Land Use, and Residential Care Facility Locations.
Issuing permits on Portable Storage Containers (PODs), tree removal, painting, repainting of buildings, alcohol or beverage certification, and temporary permits on special events and signage.
Before signing a lease, please contact a city planner to make sure that the location is zoned for the business you wish to operate. In addition, business owners are required to complete a Zoning Certificate of Use application, which is available at the Planning & Zoning office or by downloading a form

The City recognizes the importance of business signage, and the website link below provides direct access to the City’s regulations, which we developed to make as user-friendly as possible. Please refer to this for your needs; if you still have questions, please contact the Planning & Zoning Department.

Opening a water/sewer service account: (954) 602-3028
Opening a garbage service account: (954) 602-4357
Rentals of city facility, conference room, parks:
For all other city related questions or concerns, please call City of Miramar’s Customer Care Center at (954) 602-HELP (4357)

Developed to activate City Code City Code Section 2-423, City staff should strive to obtain goods and services in as economic manner as possible and is encouraged to procure such goods and services from a local vendor when economically viable.; and City Code Section 2-454, authorizes the use of preference points for local and disadvantages businesses. It recognizes the promotion of the Miramar local and small businesses business community as a top priority when procuring goods and services for the city. This program provides that:
Local businesses are given the first opportunity to provide goods and services valued at $2,500 or less.
Local and small businesses are given preference points during the award of contracts of 5 points, for each category (local and small business) which can stack.