Workforce Attraction & Retention


The City of Miramar is dedicated to attracting, retaining, and engaging a highly skilled workforce to support local businesses and drive economic growth. Through partnerships with educational institutions, training programs, and recruitment initiatives, the city provides resources to help businesses connect with qualified talent and enhance their competitive advantage.


Training & Recruiting Resources

Florida Department of Economic Opportunity

Broward College

Career Source Florida

Career Source Broward

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Preventing employment discrimination from occurring in the workplace in the first place is preferable to remedying the consequences of discrimination. EEOC is committed to providing training and technical assistance, outreach and education programs to assist employers, employees and stakeholder groups understand and prevent discrimination. We believe that discrimination can be averted if companies, federal agencies and individuals know their legal rights and responsibilities.

 Outreach, Education & Technical Assistance | U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission