Vacant Storefront Cover Program

Miramar Ontic Facility

Vacant Storefront Cover Program | Open

The purpose of the Vacant Storefront Cover Program (“the Program”) is to improve the appearance of vacant street level commercial buildings located throughout the City of Miramar and to support the development of retail uses within the City. This initiative allows property owners to cover their vacant storefronts with pre-approved artistic designs already approved by the city. The program works to beautify vacant storefront windows and doors to promote available or underutilized tenant spaces.  Through this voluntary, no-cost program, pre-approved designs can be temporarily displayed in storefront windows to help revitalize empty spaces.

  • Improve property’s appearance and curb appeal
  • Deter vandalism, graffiti, and illegal dumping
  • Attract prospective tenants and increase property value
  • Activate the street and encourage placemaking and public safety
  • Maintain community integrity and promote accessibility

This program applies to commercial tenant spaces with storefront windows located on the ground level that are visible and accessible from the public right-of-way.

  1. Property owner or authorized representative submits completed application form, storefront address, and waiver to City.
  2. City submits request to pre-approved installation vendor.
  3. Installation vendor contacts property owner/authorized representative to schedule a visit to the property to take measurements.
  4. Installation vendor produces mock-up/rendering of storefront cover design.
  5. Property owner and City approve rendering (proof).
  6. Installation vendor coordinates with property owner to install the storefront cover.
  7. Installation vendor submits invoice to City.
  8. City approves the invoice from the installation vendor and processes payment.