Small Business Signage Program
Small Business Signage Program | Open
Maximum Grant Amount: $10,000
This program provides financial assistance to small businesses for signage. The intent is to offset a cost that can be burdensome for business owners while providing their business with valuable visibility.
- The business is in a retail center located in Miramar: Palm Ave., Pembroke Road, State Road 7, and County Line Road.
- The business is for-profit and offers retail sales and/or personal service.
- The business is not part of a national or regional chain or franchise.
- The lease is for more than 1 year.
- Business identification sign (above entrance) and window/door signage (name, hours of operation, phone/website information)
- A copy of the executed lease.
- New signage must be consistent/compatible in appearance with other signage.
- The grant funds are paid directly to the sign vendor and include city permit fee(s).
- The applicant must comply with the city’s procurement policies for securing the sign vendor.
- Applications are approved administratively by the City Manager or designee.